What to Include in a Prenup Agreement?
Many people might have strong feelings about a prenup agreement. Some believe it’s a great way to protect yourself before marriage and others find it un-romantic. If you do decide to move forward with a prenup you should make sure and define your personal vs marital assets. In addition, you should also define personal and marital debts. You can also choose to make provisions for children from an earlier marriage. And finally, you might choose to include a sunset provision that nullifies the prenup after a certain amount of years of marriage. If you do choose to ask for a prenup, make sure and speak with a knowledgeable attorney to make sure you are protecting yourself and your children.
What to include in a Prenup Agreement? How to Best Protect Yourself
Personal vs Marital Assets
One of the main reasons that people decide to get a prenup agreement is to define personal assets vs marital assets. If one partner is coming into a marriage with more wealth or assets, they may want to keep them separate. This would be different than money that you acquire during your marriage. This can also apply to things like family heirlooms. This is a way to ensure that specific items or money stay with you if the marriage ends.
Personal vs Marital Debts
Similar to personal and marital assets, many choose to get a prenup agreement to protect themselves from debt. If your partner is bringing a lot of debt into the marriage and you don’t want to risk being stuck with it during a divorce, you can specify this in a prenup. You would split any debts that you incurred together during the marriage equally if you divorce.
Dependents from Previous Marriage
Another important thing to include in a prenup agreement is provisions for any children from a previous marriage. This is a way for you to set aside money or property that they will inherit if you get a divorce. It keeps these from being able to be split during a divorce. If there are specific heirlooms that you want them to have you can include them in a prenup.
Sunset Provision
Finally, one uncommon clause that some people choose to include in a prenup agreement is a sunset provision. Many people think that spelling out the terms of your divorce is very unromantic when planning a wedding. However, with a sunset provision, the prenup would be null after a certain amount of years of marriage. This can be a way to put a partner at ease if they are hesitant about a prenup for emotional reasons. It shows that if your marriage stands the test of time, the prenup doesn’t need to be worried about anymore.
A prenup agreement can be a really good way to protect yourself financially in the event of a divorce. It can also protect any children you have from an earlier marriage. Make sure to include any personal wealth or property that you want to keep separate from joint assets. In addition, you can protect yourself from inheriting your partner’s debt through a prenup. You can also provide for your existing children by specifying what they would still inherit if you divorce. And finally, you can choose to include a sunset provision to end the prenup after a period of time. While it can be a polarizing thing to bring up before marriage, a prenup agreement can really be a good way to protect yourself financially.
Survival Tips for Divorce: Dealing with the Stress
Divorce is hard. In fact, some people think it’s as stressful as the death of a loved one. Because in a way, you are losing something very valuable. However, some quick survival tips for divorce can help you deal with the stress and cope with the hurt of the divorce process. First of all, lean on family and friends. They’ll be your biggest advocates and help you through this difficult time. Ask professionals to get involved, like an attorney and a therapist. Practice self-care to keep yourself sane. And finally, try to focus on the positives instead of the negatives. You’ll be getting a fresh start and can hopefully find a new partner someday that is better suited for you.
Survival Tips for Divorce: Dealing with the Stress and Coping with the Hurt
Lean on Friends
One of the most important survival tips for divorce is to lean on family and friends. Divorce is one of the most difficult things you can go through. You’ll need to surround yourself with people who love you to help you deal with the stress. Try to get comfortable asking for help. Your friends and family genuinely want to help you, so lean on them when you’re overwhelmed. Let them cook you food or take your children off your hands for a night. Try to let them shoulder some of the emotional stress you’re feeling.
Ask the Professionals
Another important survival tip for divorce is to get professionals involved. You’ll want an experienced and knowledgeable attorney by your side every step of the way. They’ll be your advocate and protect your interests in court. In addition, you may find that speaking with a therapist is helpful. While friends and family can be very supportive, sometimes a trained professional can be even more helpful.
Practice Self-Care
Practicing self-care is one of the survival tips for divorce that gets neglected the most. Divorce is a long and stressful process. If you don’t take time to take care of yourself, you’ll burn out. Try to take breaks here and there when you can and pamper yourself a little. Maybe that means taking yourself out for a meal. Or renting a movie and eating all the snacks you want. You might even try a massage or a long bubble bath. Whatever self-care looks like to you, make time for it to keep yourself sane.
Look at the Fresh Start
Finally, one last one of the survival tips for divorce is to try and look on the bright side of things. Rather than focusing on the negatives or the hurt feelings, try to find the positives. A divorce is long and grueling. But ultimately it means the end of a relationship that wasn’t working for you. So divorce means you’re getting a fresh start. Try to let go of any bitterness and focus on how you want your future to look.
Divorce is incredibly difficult, but these survival tips for divorce can hopefully help you manage. Lean on your friends and family as much as you can because they honestly probably want to help you. In addition, call in the big guns and hire professionals to help you. An attorney and a therapist can make the entire process much more manageable. Make time for self-care so that you can start fresh and energized. And finally, try to focus on the fresh start you’re getting after your divorce, instead of the hurt. Try to think about what you’d like your future to look like. Before you know it, you’ll be finalizing your divorce and moving on to more healthy relationships.
Is it Time for a Divorce? When to Call it Quits
Wondering when it is time for a divorce might be stressing you out if you and your partner are having relationship troubles. It depends on your unique situation, but below are some things to consider if you’ve been considering divorce. If you and your partner have different visions for your future that can’t be changed, you may not be able to make your marriage work. In addition, if you’ve lost respect for one another, support, or intimacy it may be time. Counseling can be helpful for many couples who are considering divorce, so if you’ve tried it without success, maybe now is the time. And finally, if you’re both on the same page that you want a divorce, then it’s definitely time. Divorce can be stressful, but it’s better to figure that out now than continue to drag out a marriage that isn’t working.
Is it Time for a Divorce: When to Call it Quits on a Marriage
You Have Different Visions for Your Future
It might be time for a divorce if you and your partner have completely different visions of your future. Especially if neither of you is willing to change your mind. Compromise is a huge factor in a successful marriage. However, there may be things that you simply can’t come to an agreement on. For example, whether or not to have children. If you aren’t on the same page with where you want your lives to go, you might not be able to make the marriage work. Even if you want to.
You’ve Lost Respect, Support, and Intimacy
Another way to tell if it’s time for a divorce is if you’ve lost respect, support, and intimacy. A relationship is only successful if you and your spouse respect one another. You need to be each other’s biggest supporter to get through the tough times. Intimacy is also important in a relationship. Not just sexual intimacy but friendship and love as well. If your relationship is lacking these things, it might be time to consider separating.
You’ve Tried Counseling
Marriage counseling is very helpful for many couples. It can be one of the best ways to avoid divorce if you and your spouse are having relationship troubles. However, if you’ve tried counseling and it hasn’t worked, you might turn to divorce. A professional counselor or therapist might be able to help you work through problems in your marriage. However, if they’ve been unsuccessful it could mean that you two are simply not going to be able to work things out. If that’s the case then it might be time for a divorce.
You’re On the Same Page
Finally, you’ll definitely know it’s time for a divorce if you and your spouse are on the same page about wanting one. Some couples mutually decide that divorce is the right path for them. In these situations, divorce can be a bit smoother. However, sometimes one partner is very reluctant to go down this path. It’s important to really talk honestly with your partner about how you’re feeling. If they’re feeling the same way and you both feel that you’ve done everything you can, it might be time to end your marriage.
It’s hard to know when to give up on your marriage, but unfortunately, some just do not work out. If you and your partner have very different views of your future lives, you may not be able to reconcile. In addition, if you’ve lost respect, support, and intimacy it might be a red flag. Marriage counseling can be helpful, but if you’ve tried it unsuccessfully then you might be ready for a divorce. And finally, if you and your spouse both agree that you want the divorce, then it’s definitely time to hire a divorce attorney and get started. Deciding when it’s time for a divorce can be scary and sad. However, it’s much better to get on the same page and move forward with a divorce than to stay in an unhappy marriage.
The Positives of Divorce: Find Your Happy
Divorce is tough. There’s no getting around it. Going through a divorce can leave you emotionally and financially drained. But there are also plenty of positives of divorce. For one, you get your freedom back. For another, your kids will probably be better off. And finally, you get to have the thrill of falling in love again in your future. It’s stressful now, but there are still silver linings to look forward to.
The Positives of Divorce: Find Your Happy Again
One of the biggest positives of divorce? Freedom! Going through the end stages of a relationship can feel overwhelming. You’ve probably been in and out of court and fighting with your ex. Once your divorce is finalized, you’ll be free to take your time back for yourself. Find a new hobby or revive an old one. Hang out with friends that you’ve been neglecting. You’re free to make your own plans without having to coordinate with your ex. If you’ve been in a controlling or abusive relationship, you’re now free to live the way you want.
Best for Children
Many couples try to “stick it out” in a relationship that isn’t working for the sake of their kids. But staying with the wrong person can mean added stress and fighting. This kind of atmosphere isn’t what’s best for your children. You and your ex getting along and supporting each other as a divorced couple will make them happier in the long run. One of the positives of divorce is that all in all, it’s probably what’s best for your kids. Your children will probably grow to respect your decision as they get older. You also don’t want to set the example of marriage being unhappy for them.
Possibility of New Love
One of the most fun positives of divorce is that you get to start dating again. While it can feel overwhelming, don’t forget to have fun. New relationships can be exciting. You get to have another first kiss! You also get to use what you learned from your first marriage to make any future relationships even stronger. Now you know exactly what you need out of a partner. You might be quicker to recognize red flags in a relationship. And hopefully, you’ve gained some self-confidence along the way. This will serve to make any future relationships stronger than ever.
Although divorce is one of the most difficult things a person can go through, don’t forget that there are positives of divorce too. Try to remember that you are making the decision that’s best for yourself and your children. And don’t forget to enjoy your new freedom and dating possibilities!
What to Wear to Divorce Court: Dress for Success
When preparing for divorce court there is so much to do. You’ll have meetings with your attorney and have tons of legal paperwork to prep. But sometimes people forget to prepare what they’re going to wear to divorce court. First impressions are important, and some judges are more conservative than others. It’s best to play it safe and dress as if you were going for a job interview. Here are some tips to help you look prepared!
What to Wear to Divorce Court: First Impressions Matter
Clothing for Men
When deciding what to wear to divorce court, business attire is best. Wear long slacks with a belt and shoes with matching socks. Also, a collared shirt with a tie should be work. You can choose to wear a jacket or not. However, it’s always a good idea to have one in case the courtroom is cold. Shorts are never allowed, and you should not wear jeans. Ditch the hat as well, and make sure that your clothes fit well and are not too baggy.
Clothing for Women
Business attire is also what women should wear to divorce court. A business suit isn’t necessary, but you should wear dress slacks or a skirt. Make sure a skirt goes to your knees or longer. A nice blouse or even a conservative dress would work well. Make sure that nothing is too low-cut or revealing. Also, make sure that your clothes fit well and are not too tight. Leave the flashy sequins at home and opt for a more neutral outfit. You could be in divorce court for a long time, so bringing a sweater or light jacket is a good idea. You don’t necessarily need to wear heels, but stay away from tennis shoes or flip flops.
The main goal in choosing what to wear to divorce court is to keep things neutral and non-attention grabbing. Try not to wear flashy accessories. If you have a lot of piercings, it might be best to remove some while you go to court. Cover up tattoos as well. Men and women should have clean, neat hair in a polished and neutral style. Also, now is possibly not the best time for very long acrylic nails or blue hair. Finally, keep makeup subtle and unobtrusive. The more conservative you can look, the better.
Having your own sense of style is great! Flashy accessories and dyed hair might be how you express yourself. That’s perfectly fine, but in divorce court, you might be more successful if you tone down your natural flair. Everything you wear to divorce court should be modest and polished. You want to look clean, neat, and dependable. Although you may want to show off your flashy side, you’ll probably benefit in the long run by playing by the court’s rules.
Your First Valentine’s Day After Divorce
It’s your first Valentine’s day after divorce and you are dreading it completely. It’s just one more reminder of your relationship being over. However, Valentine’s day doesn’t have to be a difficult holiday. You can still enjoy your day if you re-focus your attention. If you have children, make the day really special for them. You could also go out with single friends and enjoy “Galentines Day.” Or take yourself out for a fun date night. You can still enjoy the day even if you are struggling through a divorce.
Your First Valentine’s Day After Divorce: Enjoy the Holiday Differently
Focus on Your Kids
If you have children, your first Valentine’s Day after divorce could just focus on them instead. Make a big to-do and celebrate the holiday. It’s a day for celebrating love after all, and who loves you more than your children? Decorate the house and surprise them with Valentine’s themed breakfast. Make Valentine’s cards together to send to family and friends. Gorge on candy and watch a movie while having a picnic on a blanket on the floor. You can make it a special and loving memory without focusing on being single.
Celebrate Galentines Day
If you’re trying to survive your first Valentine’s Day after divorce, lean on your friends. So-called “Galentine’s Day” is a day meant for loving your girlfriends. Whether they’re single or in a relationship, take February 13th to focus on your friendship and celebrate one another. Go out for a fancy meal and clink champagne glasses. You could exchange flowers and chocolate together. Take some time to spread the love with the people in your life who have stood by you through thick and thin.
Take Yourself on a Date
If it’s your first Valentine’s Day after divorce, you could always take yourself out for a date yourself. Or bring a fancy date in if you aren’t comfortable being alone in public quite yet. Order takeout from your favorite restaurant and get a bottle of your favorite wine. And don’t forget dessert! Conversely, you could go see a movie alone – nobody will notice that you’re by yourself once the lights go down. You could even just relax and take time to do something that you love. For example, a fancy bubble bath with relaxing music.
Surviving your first Valentine’s Day after divorce can be daunting to think about. But it doesn’t have to be a source of stress. You can still appreciate the love of the holiday even if you’re single. Make special memories with your children, or go out with your friends and makeover each other. You could also take yourself on a date and take time to do things that you love. Remember that you got divorced for a reason, and even though holidays such as this can be hard, you made the decision that was right for you.
Emotionally Prepare for Divorce
If you are heading down the road to divorce, you may be feeling overwhelmed. It’s hard to know what to expect when facing divorce. You need to emotionally prepare for divorce by addressing the various feelings you’ll be having. Anger is a big factor when going through a divorce, but letting go of the idea of “winning” will help you in the long run. Also, let yourself grieve all the changes you’ll be facing. Also, let go of guilt, especially when it comes to your children. And finally, let go of shame because there is nothing wrong with making a decision that is best for your family. Mentally prepare yourself for the emotions you might be feeling so you can maintain your well-being.
Emotionally Prepare for Divorce: Facing Your Feelings
Let Go of the Idea of “Winning”
One of the strongest emotions that you might be feeling is anger. Divorce can be so draining mentally, and tensions get heightened. You or your spouse might let your anger boil over from time to time and say hurtful things. Emotionally prepare for divorce by trying to let go of the idea of “winning” the divorce. Because this is a response to your anger, it’s not the most productive way to approach a divorce. Your ultimate goal is to create a better life for yourself and your children. If you come into a divorce wanting to “win”, you may not see clearly and be able to get perspective on the things that will help you all be happier.
Let Yourself Grieve
Your entire life is changing, emotionally prepare for divorce by accepting your grief. Perhaps you had your life all planned out and this came as a sudden shock. Or maybe you saw the divorce coming on for the past few years. Whatever your situation is, a divorce is still a complete change in your life. You’re allowed to grieve the life you thought you’d be having when you got married. Take time to really let yourself feel emotional about the divorce.
Let Go of Guilt
Guilt can be a huge factor when you emotionally prepare for divorce. Especially when there are children involved. Many parents feel tremendous guilt over divorcing. However, they often overlook that in the long run, their children might be much happier. Children pick up on stress and anger. If you and your partner are constantly fighting in front of them, divorce is probably healthier. Seeing you and your partner co-parenting healthily and happily will be better for them.
Let Go of Shame
There is a stigma of shame around divorce that really shouldn’t exist. The reasons for your divorce are nobody’s business unless you feel like sharing. When you emotionally prepare for divorce, try to let go of shame. You are making a decision that is better for yourself. You’re taking charge of your life and giving yourself a chance to be happier. If you have children, they may see you taking control as a show of how strong you are. As a result, they’ll respect you more for going forward with a divorce.
When you emotionally prepare for divorce, you need to be aware of all the feelings you might experiences. Try to let go of your anger and the notion of “winning” the divorce. Focus on the end goal of a happier family. Prepare for grief because your whole world is changing. Let go of guilt, especially when it comes to children because you are ultimately making the healthier choice for them. And finally, let go of shame. You’re making a change for the best, and you should be proud of yourself for taking control of your life.
Benefits of Dating a Divorcee
Some people overlook divorcees in the dating pool. However, there are many benefits of dating a divorcee. Aside from their life experience, they know what they want in a partner. In addition, they will be unlikely to rush things in a relationship. They hopefully will be quick to recognize issues within a relationship as well. Finally, they have proved that they are committed and hopefully have learned from their first relationship. Try not to count out divorcees as potential partners.
Benefits of Dating a Divorcee: Let Their Experience Work in Your Favor
They Know What They Need in a Partner
One of the major benefits of dating a divorcee is that they have learned what they need in a partner. They know what works in a relationship and what kills a relationship. Divorcees will therefore be honest about their needs and quick to see issues. They have probably also learned their strengths and weaknesses as a partner. As a result, they will be more willing to work on their shortcomings.
They Won’t Rush Into Things
Divorcees are more likely to take things slow in a relationship. One of the important benefits of dating a divorcee is that they will be more likely to make their next relationship work longtime. They will take time to make sure their next partner is a better fit. Because they know the stress of divorce, they won’t be likely to rush into another marriage. Therefore, if they do commit, it will probably be a marriage that lasts forever.
Quick to Recognize Issues
Another of the benefits of dating a divorcee is that they’ll be able to recognize problems brewing. They will be quick to see issues that could harm your relationship. They have seen first hand how some problems can ruin a marriage. Therefore, they know how certain issues can spiral out of control. Because of this, they’ll be quick to address those problems.
They’re Committed
Finally, knowing they are willing to commit is one of the main benefits of dating a divorcee. They have proven that they are willing to commit to a marriage. Even though their first marriage didn’t work out it doesn’t mean it was all their fault. There are many reasons why marriages fail. They’ve proven that they are not afraid of commitment. And hopefully, they’ve learned some valuable lessons from their first marriage.
Dating divorcees can be a great option for somebody looking for a mature partner. One of the many benefits of dating a divorcee is the fact that they are worldly. They have experienced the highs and lows of a relationship. Because of this, they’ll be likely to take that experience into their future relationships and make those even stronger.
How-to Identify Financial Abuse in a Relationship
When you think of domestic violence and abuse, you probably think of physical and verbal abuse. However, there are many forms of abuse. Oftentimes, financial abuse is overlooked. According to a study by the Centers for Financial Security, 99% of domestic violence cases also involved financial abuse. In fact, it is often the first sign of dating violence and domestic abuse. Learn the signs of financial abuse in a relationship so that you can protect yourself.
How-to Identify Financial Abuse in a Relationship: Knowing the Signs
What is Financial Abuse?
Financial abuse can vary from situation to situation. There is no one perfect example of it. However, it does involve controlling someone’s ability to get, use, and maintain financial resources. The victims may even be prevented from working so that they are unable to make or access money for themselves. In addition, the victims of financial abuse in a relationship may have their own money stolen or limited by their abuser. If the victim does have access to money, they may have to account for any of it that they use.
Look for Signs of Abuse
While every situation is different, there are certain things you can pay attention to. First, abusers may use or controls the money you have earned or saved. Examples of this include using your money or credit cards for their own benefit without asking. They may also ask to borrow money from you and never repay it. Also, they may ruin your credit by charging things to your account and not paying them off. Another sign of financial abuse in a relationship is if they have a double standard when it comes to spending. For example, they may spend money on entertainment, dining out, and clothing but criticize you when you make similar purchases
They may start to control where you can or can not work, and may even make you quit your job. In addition, they may actually try to sabotage your job. It is possible for them to go as far as hiding your car keys or removing your car battery so that you can not show up to work. These are only just a few of the signs of financial abuse, but there are many more.
Get Help
If you or someone you know is a victim of financial abuse in a relationship, get help right away. Call a counselor, advocate, or religious leader. Remember that financial abuse is not something that gets better with time. Oftentimes, it can actually end up leading to other types of abuse. You can also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for confidential assistance from trained professionals. Do not wait until it is too late to get help.