Divorce Predictors

There aren’t any 100% divorce predictors out there. However, some red flags tend to stand out more than others. These signals tend to often pop up when a divorce is on the horizon. It’s important to know what these signs are, so you can potentially change course…

Divorce Predictors: Spot The Red Flags

Communication breakdown

Communication breakdowns can be one of those divorce predictors that sneaks up on couples. In fact, communication issues can be at the root of nearly all relationship troubles. When a couple has trouble talking to each other, eventually they might find themselves drifting apart past the point of fixing it.

Still, it can be hard to initially notice when this kind of breakdown happens. That’s why it’s important to be proactive. If you notice that you have trouble talking to your spouse, or you feel like they’re ignoring you, then it’s time to take some action. Try to have a serious sit down with your spouse to see where the problems came from, and how you can try to fix them together.

Constant arguing

Constant arguing is another common example of divorce predictors. This also ties in a bit to communication breakdowns. When a couple can’t communicate effectively, it can lead to them getting frustrated and eventually angry at each other. This can turn into constant arguments, and eventually a divorce.

Now, it’s very easy to tell when you and your spouse are constantly arguing. However, it’s not so easy to navigate this situation and find a solution. Firstly, you’ll have to sit down with them and figure out what’s been causing the issues between you both. If it’s something one or both of you have been doing, then be willing to take that critical look at yourself to try and fix it in the future.


Whereas the other divorce predictors may be harder to spot, infidelity is a pretty clear-cut one. For many, infidelity is an immediate point of no return for their marriage. However, there are those who will try to fix things, but with a lot of hard work and trust rebuilding put into it. In this situation, it ultimately comes down to how you feel about trying to fix things.