Blindside Divorce: Unexpected Turmoil

Divorce is always hard, but it can be especially rough when it seems to come out of nowhere. A blindside divorce can throw your whole world upside down. However, there are ways you can process the news and get things back on track…

Blindside Divorce: How To Recover

Keep your cool

It can be a bit easier said that done to try and keep calm despite a blindside divorce. After all, this news has probably shocked and hurt you quite a bit. Still, it’s important that you do your best to stay cool.

Letting your emotions get the best of you could cause you to say something you regret. Keep in mind that this is probably something your spouse has been thinking about for some time. During that time, they were able to process everything, but you haven’t had that time. Therefore, keep calm, ask some key questions, and then give yourself time to take it what’s happening.

Lean on loved ones

A blindside divorce isn’t something you want to take on by yourself. Even when you take time to process what’s occurring, it can be hard to juggle all those emotions. As a result, it’s a good idea to lean on your loved ones for some extra support.

These loved ones, usually close friends and family, will be a key part of your divorce support network. That’s why it’s a good idea to start getting some help from them now. Talk to them about how you feel and what’s worrying you. Odds are they can help you calm down, refocus, and feel more optimistic about the future.

Prepare properly

Another negative about a blindside divorce is that it means you haven’t had time to prepare for the divorce. While your spouse has been thinking about what they need to do, you’ll be starting from square one. That’s why you want to start getting things ready as soon as you can.

For instance, it’s good to start gathering important documents, especially financial ones. It’s also good to set up your own finances, like through an independent bank account, if you had been sharing things with your spouse. Preparing properly will help you “catch up” and not fall behind in the divorce.
