Anderson Divorce Attorney

The Promise of Marriage

Your marriage was supposed to last forever. Promises were made. Nevertheless, more than half now end in divorce. Sadly, it is a reality that many of your friends and family face. And now, you’re facing it. Understandably, you are anxious and distressed about what’s going to happen. You probably have lots of questions. Sometimes a marriage ends quickly, but oftentimes, couples just slowly grow apart over years. Whatever the reason, divorce does not have to be as traumatic as you heard. There is simply no good reason to make divorce any harder than it already is. And that’s where we can help. Here in Anderson, Jeremey Poindexter of the Poindexter Law Firm LLC is here for you every step of the way…

The Goal in Anderson Divorce

A divorce is a life-changing event for everyone involved. You. Your former spouse. Your children. Even your parents will be affected. So if your marriage can be saved, do everything you can. But if it cannot, call us and let us guide you through the process. While every case is different, our approach and goal is always the same. Let’s get you through this ordeal as peaceably and as quickly as we can. There is no good reason to create chaos and pay large legal fees. So stay focused and get onto the next chapter of your life.

The Anderson Divorce Process – What to Expect

As long as you and your spouse remain in the same home (even if living in separate rooms), you cannot start the divorce process. Rather, you have to be living “separate and apart” before the family court has jurisdiction. However, once out, either party can request a “temporary support” hearing. At this hearing, the Court will determine initial child custody, visitation, and financial support until a final divorce. Hence, this is a very important hearing, and you and your divorce attorney need to be fully prepared.

Discovery and Mediation

The next phase of the Anderson divorce process involves discovery and then mediation. Discovery involves a series of written questions submitted by both sides. In addition, there will be “requests to produce” records. Once each side has your answers and written documents, you can try to reach an agreement at mediation. During mediation, a neutral third party (mediator) will meet with both parties and their lawyers. While they cannot force or order anything, mediation is very important and often leads to agreement.

Settlement or Trial

If you reach an agreement, that is certainly preferable to going to trial. Trials are very grueling and expensive. If everything else fails, you end up in front of a family court judge who will decide all remaining issues. At that point, you have no control over the outcome of your case or life. Fortunately, most cases reach agreement which allows the healing process to start earlier.

Divorce Ends But Life Goes On

No matter how you get there, you always end up in the exact same place. Divorced. However, how you get there will make a huge difference in both the short and long run. And remember you and your former spouse will have school plays, graduations, marriages, and grandchildren in the future. So don’t burn bridges now. So what do you do right now? Call our firm and let’s sit down and review your situation. Call now. You’re going to feel better after you know your options and what to expect. So call Jeremey Poindexter now. 864.634.0539